Promote your events

Posting format

  1. Events: Location (online/city) + event title + link to more info/sign-up. (other postings see reciprocal posting info)
  2. When: event date and time + timezone or deadline
  3. Overview: 1-3 short sentences + link to more info/sign-up.

Each separate event, invite or announcement must be separately posted – not a single post for an event series.

Posting process

23:59 Sundays (any time zone) for inclusion in Monday’s events email roundup (events are live online immediately upon approval).

To post, email [email protected] in the above format. It will be released once it has been reviewed and verified as reciprocal or paid.

Reciprocal or £100/post?

Reciprocial criteria (ECF members only):

  1. You promote the ECF Community and ECF events to your community
  2. Provide proof of your ECF event and community promotion e..g examples, testimonials, metrics
  3. Promotion is like-for-like: reciprocal listing length and reach e.g.:
    1. Two events listed for one month = two months for ECF events/community
    2. 1,000 person reach means promote 4 x more to match ECF’s 4,000 person reach.

Paid events and courses plus those by agencies and service providers may qualify for reciprocal listing.

A formal reciprocal promotion deal can be agreed where fees are waived. This would involce promoting ECF events, the community and potentially other FairSay activites. Contact us to discuss options.

Postings are promoted not only to the  Campaigning Forum (ECF) community’s 4,000 members, but wider to related peer networks in the UK, Europe North America and beyond.