The Campaigning Forum (ECF) Community

Join over 3,800 campaigning practitioners

The Campaigning Forum (ECF) community is a vibrant global network of campaigning and advocacy practitioners. Get involved via the email discussion list or via in-person events.

The discussion list has over 3,800 members from all over the world, from a wide range of disciplines including: campaigners, designers, content creators, fundraisers, academics, agencies, vendors and much more. It is a friendly, supportive, highly knowledgeable community where you can receive and share advice about best practice for digital campaigning.

Connect and share with peers from around the world, including past and future participants in the annual Campaigning Forum events.

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Why join?

Smarter and stronger together

Online campaigning is an exceptionally fast-moving field. By coming together to share resources, we can all keep our skills and knowledge at the cutting edge.

The very popular ECF email discussion list is one of the most vibrant and knowledgeable communities available. Members love it because they can ask for advice and they almost always get what they need.


Post a job ad

Attract the amazing talent in the ECF community with a salaried or project job ad.

Browse events

See upcoming events shared by the ECF community

Read the discussions

Discover and join in with current and past discussions via the web forum.

Most active: email discussion list

How it works: the FAQs

Is the discussion private?

Online email list discussions and event operates on the Chatham House rule: information and opinions may not be publicly attributed without the source’s permission.

How do I post to all list members?

There are two ways:

  1. Email the list address from the exact email address you are subscribed with. This includes starting a post and contributing to an existing discussion.
  2. Sign-in to the online forum (aka archives) and you can start a post or reply to an existing one.

Is discussion respectful?

Yes. The basic rule is that it is OK to criticise ideas but to avoid critising people.

Furthermore, to ensure respectful discussion:

  1. Everone must signup with their direct individual email address (so there is no/few anonymous members)
  2. All list members are manually reviewed and approved to ensure a good fit to the community and minimise maliscious subscriptions, robots, etc.
  3. The list discussions are actively monitored to quickly react if needed (very rare)
  4. A large number of members have been to past ECF events and thus are known by peers in the real-world.
Who do I contact if I have a problem?

You can email one of two addresses:

  1. Official: [email protected]
  2. Direct: [email protected] (explain what it is about as emails on many topics come into this account)
Can I get only job/event posts without joining the email discussion list?

Yes. There are a few ways:

  1. There is a dedicated email subscription for both job roundups and event roundups
  2. The FairSay website has listings of current jobs and events
How else will my email address be used?

You will occasionally be directly emailed:

  1. About ECF events and other ECF community issues
  2. If someone wishes to be in touch directly, you will be asked if you wish to be connected by giving you their name and email address

Direct email to all community members not only ensure community members are kept up to date, but helps identify members who have left/moved or want to unsubscribe.

If you unsubscribe via this direct email to all community emails you will also be unsubscribed from the ECF email discussion list.

Is my name and email address shared with other members or published?

Only if you post to the list or give explicit permission.

  1. When you post to the list, your name and email address (and any information in your email signature) are included like for any email
  2. The list discussions (old and new) are only accessible via sign-in to list members
  3. If you wish your campaign or organisation to be publicly listed as a member, you will need to give permission if asked (and you can change your mind at any time)
What are the list posting rules and etiquette?
  1. Only subscribed members can post
  2. Be respectful and criticize ideas not people
  3. The purpose is community discussion posts and ECF event posts
  4. One-way posts must follow the relevent process for:
    1. Job and experts recommendation postings
    2. Non-ECF event postings
    3. Announcements, survey invites, award nominations etc require reciprocal promotion of ECF events, community signup, etc.