Key information
- Who: Campaigners, fundraisers, media officers, volunteer managers, digital experts, managers, etc.
- Where: St Anne’s College, Oxford, United Kingdowm
- Capacity: 100
- Cost: £550 until Feb 18, then £650 + optionals (£80/115 per night on-site accommodation, £50/dinner)
The Campaigning Forum is different: participants set the agenda
Undecided? This might help…
Persuade your boss to send you
- Making the case for joining the Campaigning Forum event by Anya Pearson (Contentious)
- How I (and my staff) benefited from the Campaigning Forum event by Alison Goldsworthy (Which?)
- The best piece of advice I ever ignored by Rachel Collinson
- How to make the most of Campaigning Forum events by Duane Raymond
How do we ensure it is a safe event?
- Immune vulnerable & Covid safety policy
- Code of conduct: a safe inclusive event
- Privacy: photos, confidentiality, online
- Terms: cancellation, substitutes, etc.
- Physical disability: venue, accommodation, etc.
- Visual / hearing disability: let us know and we will instruct presenters on how to increase accessibility
- Mental health: we will allocate quiet rooms to retreat to and in 2024 there is a coach with mental health training
Key event links: Apply | Overview | Participants | Agenda | Sessions | Speakers | Curators | Life coach | Facilitator
The Agenda
At the 2024 event, there will be a dedicated slot for presentations and open space sessions about having a campaigning impact, specifically:
- Allyship and inclusion of underrepresented and marginalised communities
- Countering disinformation and fake news
- Deepening and building political engagement amongst supporters
- Effective digital transformation strategies
- Campaigning before, during and after elections
Conference Office (Ruth Deech Building)
Free sessions with the coach are available if organised in advance. Take the opportunity for private, confidential conversations about anything you need.
Lower Common Room
‘ECF Participation’ briefing
Meet others, propose agenda topics, learn how open space works, get settled for two days of great learning.
Open to all and it prepares you to be a confident, engaged participant from day one.
Dining Hall
Dinner: Kick-start connections and conversations with Campaigning Forum participants
St Anne’s Bar
Connect to kick-start connections and conversations
various rooms TBC
Peer workshops / presentations
- Outreach room: Facing down disinformation: A success story in local elections – Aleksandra Meshkova (Greenpeace Bulgaria). See presentation details
- Seminar Room 10: Digital transformation for nonprofits: What it is, what are the benefits and how can they be understood better by our sector – Brani Milosevic (LinkedIn). See workshop details
- Seminar Room 11: SCN – Mobilising Community Power through Fiscal Hosting, Saoirse Barry (Social Change Next)
Past peer workshops/presentations
- Podcasting workshop: Exploring how we at the Transnationals Institute (TNI) put together our podcast, share experiences and brainstorm other ways to make a podcast successful. (Denis Burke, Transnationals Institute)
- Graphic design secrets (Jean O’Brien, Digital Charity Labs)
Open Space knowledge exchange B
Based on participant contributions:
- What matters in an election: are people voting on issues or do issues move voters?
- Are awareness campaigns relevent in the 21st century?
- Media relations: getting media coverage and working with journalists effectively
- How to set-up your own grassroots campaign / campaigning group or organisations
- Stopping shrinking civic space
Examples from 2023 event include:
- Going beyond petitions to convert leads into supporters
- Disinformation: how to tackle it and communicate in a polarised society
- Artificial Intelligence
Foyer B (Ruth Deech Building)
Coffee/tea break
Open Space knowledge exchange C
Based on participant contributions:
- Disinformation
- Tackling internal politics to support campaigning
- Why do we use tactics that don’t work?
- What can NGOs expect to acheive during an election campaign?
Examples from 2023 event include:
- Creating positive, solution-oriented campaigns in a world of crisis fatigue
- How to measure success when trying to reach people’s hearts and minds?
Outreach Room (Ruth Deech Building)
Ignite talks (7 min each)
- How we at ShareAction have used AGM activism – Isabella Salkeld, Kelly Shields, Jeanne Martin (ShareAction)
- Campaigning at the time of social media reactions – Paolo Gerbaudo (Complutense University Madrid)
- Forming a trade union within your workplace – Conor McGurran (Trades Union Congress)
- Multi camera livestreaming for covering protests and marches – Zoe Broughton
- Humor and Social Change – Brian Fitzgerald (Dancing Fox)
- See what it takes to deliver an ignite-style talk.
Examples from 2023 event include:
- The Peat-za box: ‘It’s pizza, but not as we know it’ which is an engagement tool to get people interested in peatlands! (Sara Booth-Card, Wildlife Trusts)
- The Rooftop News: a news site which aims to platform positive news stories, to amplify maligned voices and offer an alternative to the constantly negative mainstream news cycle (Lizzie Lewis, Campaign Collective)
- How to get rid of your website’s consent banner (Juri Maier, wegewerk)
- UK Online Safety Bill, and the implications of its proposals for campaigners (Pam Cowburn, Open Rights Group)
Seminar Room 8 (Ruth Deech Building)
Teachin: Video Workshop
Led by Zoe Broughton, an experienced videographerwhohas 25+ years experience using video to cover protests and capturing social justice issues.
For those coming to the video teach in you will be filming on your phones!
Beforehand if possible make sure your phone is charged, has some space to record on to and please bring your phone headphones (you can use the mic on this to get good audio on your interviews!) Also download the free app CAPCUT for editing in your phone!
You’ll also be given an exercise to go and get vox pops, asking delegates to state why they are coming to the event, what is important for them here, what’s been best so far, how is this different to other conference etc.
Dining Hall
St Anne’s Bar
Open Space knowledge exchange D
Based on participant contributions
- Influencing a (potential) Labour government
- Starting an orgasnising network from scratch
Examples from 2023 event include:
- How to counter the alt-right: appropriating and twisting of progressive causes?
- How to engage Western European audiences in Eastern European naure conservation campaigns?
Countering Disinformation Stream Peer Presentation: Story vs Disinformation
Outreach Room (New Library)
Brian Fitzgerald (Dancing Fox)
Open Space knowledge exchange E
Based on participant contributions:
- Tackling internal politics to support campaigning
- Stunts and creative campaign ideas
Examples from 2023 event include:
- How do you evaluate the success of a campaign? e.g social media, going beyond numbers
- How to push for change despite being blocked by more conservative parties and media?
Coffee/tea break
Outreach Room (New Library)
Featured speaker
Diversity stream: Allyship for the long term for marginalised communities
Outreach Room (New Library)
Hannah Àjàlá is an international journalist and presenter. See presentation details
Past featured speakers include:
- 2019: State of the nation – Just how divided are we, and how do we build bridges? Rosie Carter, HOPE not Hate
- 2018: Reaching beyond the choir, Léane de Laigue is Head of Communications at Climate Outreach
Dining Hall
Peer workshops / presentations
- Lessons from a year of increased strike action and our campaign to protect the right to strike – Conor McGurran (Trades Union Congress)
Examples from 2023 event include:
- Fail tales: confidential sharing of cringeworthy yet amusing failure stories
- Newsletters: how, why, when
Foyer B (Ruth Deech Building)
coffee/tea break
Teach-in: share skills or knowledge with others
- Campaign strategy 101 – how to develop your strategic approach, set objectives and choose tactics. Bring your issue to workshop. – Michaela O’Brien (U. of Westminster)
- Recording and editing video on your phone for quick easy content – Zoe Broughton
Examples from 2023 event include:
- Social storytelling method workshop (Jean O’Brien, Digital Charity Labs)
- Adventures with AI: Using ChatGPT and other AI tools in your day (Duane Raymond, FairSay).
Outreach Room (New Library)
Ignite Talks (7 min each)
- ‘Message for Change’ campaign action – Erin Ekins (Versus Arthritis)
- Staying abreast of new ideas in a time poor and resource poor context. – Michaela O’Brien (U. of Westminster)
- Using printed postcards for campaigning and winning elections – Duane Raymond (PostBug)
- See what it takes to deliver an ignite-style talk.
Examples from 2023 event include:
- The case for reuse (Keira Roth, The Developer Society)
Event formally ends
Ad-hoc social and dinner and drinks in near venue – self-organised (usually closest pub: Royal Oak – 100 m down Banbury Road = left out the gates) for those staying around
Key event links: Apply | Overview | Participants | Agenda | Sessions | Speakers | Curators | Life coach | Facilitator
Key event links: Apply | Overview | Participants | Agenda | Sessions | Speakers | Curators | Life coach | Facilitator
Contact FairSay
Do you have questions about the Campaigning Forum? We’d love to hear from you