Performance Analysis

Review your campaign performance and practices

Find out how you are performing and how to improve further.

We can review your recent campaigning activity online and overall and tell you how you are performing. We analyse your campaigning strategy, media, organising, outreach, data, emails, website, social networking activity and social media activity to identify performance levels against best practice.

Based on your objectives, we then make recommendations for what you can do to improvement performance and what difference it will make.

How we can help

If you don’t have the time or expertise for a comprehensive analysis of your performance, FairSay can provide insightful and actionable findings and recommendations for:

  • One campaign, all campaigning or a coalition
  • Soon after campaign launch, for established campaigns or at campaign end
  • Organisations experienced in campaigning or those new to it
  • Multiple channels or just one or two key channels

What we’ve done for others

  • Comprehensive campaigning reviews
  • Specific campaign reviews
  • End of campaign reviews
  • Surveys to measure campaigning impact with politicians
  • Campaigning email reviews

Benchmarking and Data Analysis

Compare your campaigning with peers and sector leaders

We can compare your activity to relevant peer organisations and sector leaders. This can be in-cooperation with these other organisations or review activity from publicly available sources.

Based on your objectives, we then make recommendations for how you can improve your e-campaigning learning from the best of peers and sector leaders.

How we can help

There are two main approaches for campaigning benchmarking:

  1. Collect and analyse confidential information from multiple participants
    This offers the best insight into each participating organisation’s activities. It takes a few months to confirm participants and usually entails a shared report.
  2. Benchmark campaigning activity from various public sources
    This offers a quicker and confidential analysis into peers and market leaders. By relying on public sources, it cannot include confidential data. However due to the methodology, reveals insightful differences, similarities and trends.

What we’ve done for others

  • Cross-sector Campaigning Review
  • Benchmarking Campaigning activity of sector peers and sector leaders
  • Campaigning strategy comparison of international not-for-profits

Contact Duane to…

  • Discuss how we can help your campaigning
  • Learn about our past and current work
  • Discover what you could be achieving

Helpful, independent advice with no strings attached.

» Duane Raymond

+44 207 993 4200

[email protected]

Skype: fairsay